3 Ways to Develop a Lifetime of Empowerment
One of the most important things in life is your relationships with other people, because no one can make it through life alone. Your relationships are what give you strength and comfort, and give your life meaning and purpose, leading to lifelong empowerment . These three ways to develop a lifetime of empowerment will help you build better relationships and create your best self, so that you can live the life you’ve always wanted.
1) Understand Your Relationships
The more you understand yourself and your relationship with others, including your partner and children, parents and extended family, friends and other associates, colleagues at work, neighbors in your community and so on—the better equipped you are to deal with whatever comes your way. Be open-minded, empathetic and accepting of others’ beliefs or circumstances. Remember too that how you treat others reflects back on you; if you want healthy relationships filled with trust, love and respect—treat those around you accordingly. And find someone trustworthy to confide in about problems or issues that may be affecting your outlook on life, either professionally or personally. You may not always get what you want but by being self-aware, putting yourself first and striving for empathy will only benefit you (and everyone around you) down the road.
2) Develop Your Purpose Through Meaningful Work
Believe it or not, your sense of identity can be developed through meaningful work. When you feel like you’re working toward something bigger than yourself—that is, helping someone else or working toward some larger goal—it feels fulfilling in a way that can be uniquely empowering. If you have a deep-seated desire to make an impact on others, consider finding employment within an organization that enables you to do so and facilitates your personal growth.
Pay Attention to How You Spend Your Time: Time with loved ones provides us with valuable support during times of stress or worry, giving us much-needed balance when things aren’t going as we expected them to at work. It can also help us develop skills that are necessary for effective leadership and project management, such as being able to be flexible in uncertain situations and being able to effectively handle conflicts within interpersonal relationships. If you have limited time on your hands due to work responsibilities, make an effort to prioritize spending time with your closest friends and family members—you may be surprised by how empowering it feels in stressful situations!
3) Build Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is based on how we feel about ourselves, and it impacts every area of our lives. Low self-esteem can lead to mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety. Our emotional health directly influences our physical health—so you might be surprised by just how much low self-esteem affects your body! By learning how to cultivate high self-esteem, you can strengthen your relationships with friends and family, develop your sense of identity, and live a purposeful life.
Building self-esteem can be challenging, especially if you have negative self-talk going on in your head. To build self-esteem, start by being honest with yourself about your identity. Consider all aspects of who you are and take pride in what makes you unique. Your sense of identity doesn’t have to match society’s idea of success; it can simply reflect what makes you proud and excited about life. Once you establish a strong sense of identity, building self-esteem is simple. Just acknowledge your successes and compliment yourself whenever possible!
The more you embrace positive feedback from others, too, the easier it will be to feel good about who you are.