Introduction of ADHD and Anxiety
In my previous article, I discussed the correlation between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Depression. I will discuss the correlation between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Anxiety and the symptoms of an Anxiety Disorder. I will also list various scales for diagnosing Anxiety Disorders.
ADHD And Anxiety
According to, the following can be stated about the correlation between ADHD and Anxiety:
One study found that 27 percent of children with ADHD had more than one anxiety disorder compared to 5 percent of non-ADHD children. Other studies find that anywhere from 20 to 30 percent of individuals with ADHD will struggle with a clinical anxiety disorder in their lifetime.
Having ADHD itself can cause lots of stress. Executive functioning issues affect every part of a person’s life. Disorganization, time mismanagement, procrastination, and frustration over failed intentions create a state of anxiety for ADHD individuals. Learning disabilities, which affect 50 to 60 percent of students with ADHD, are highly associated with academic anxiety.
Getting a proper diagnosis for an anxiety disorder can be tricky, given that many symptoms mimic ADHD or are seen as related to ADHD. A physical examination should be conducted to rule out any other medical condition. You should report any medications or their side effects that cause anxiety. In addition, your doctor should inquire about the following to make a correct diagnosis.
What Are The Symptoms Of An Anxiety Disorder? According to, the following represent the symptoms associated with an Anxiety Disorder:
- Persistent Worry
- Physical Symptoms
- Sleep
- Irrational Fears
- Avoidance
- Attention And Focus
- Dealing With Change
What Are Clinical Scales For Diagnosing Anxiety Disorders?
Clinical scales can also be used to diagnose Anxiety Disorders. According to, they include the following scales:
- SCID-5
- Yale Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (Y-BOCS) for OCD symptoms
- Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale
- Beck Anxiety Inventory
- Revised Children’s Manifest Anxiety Scale
Also, on an even further note, according to, “No assessment measure is empirically perfect, and none is a substitute for a comprehensive clinical interview and physical examination. Knowledge is power.” Always remember this!
To conclude this article, this article has provided readers with the correlation between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Anxiety Disorders. In addition, it has also listed the symptoms associated with an Anxiety Disorder. On a final note, this article has provided readers with several clinical scales for diagnosing Anxiety Disorders.