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Collective Grief During COVID-19: Dr.Kiley Hanish


On our Latest Bringing Intimacy Back show, we had guests, Dr. Kiley Hanish. Kiley Krekorian Hanish, OTD, OTR/L is a bereaved mother, doctor of occupational therapy, and founder of Return to Zero: H.O.P.E. Kiley and her husband Sean are creators of the Emmy-nominated film Return to Zero, starring Minnie Driver and Paul Adelstein. Based on their personal experience of their son Norbert, who was stillborn, this feature film is the first to tackle the taboo subject of stillbirth. Through Return to Zero, Kiley has found much healing. Her willingness to share her story and the most vulnerable life moments connected her to a community of families who have also endured the unimaginable death of a baby. Feeling less isolated in her grief, this experience inspired her to create Return to Zero: H.O.P.E. We would like to thank you for being a guest on the Bringing Intimacy Back Show.

To connect with Kiley:




Watch the show on Youtube:

Cape Coral Office:
290 Nicholas Parkway Ste 2
Cape Coral, FL 33991

Sarasota Offices:
1487 2nd Street Suite C-4
Sarasota, FL 34236
(239) 565-6921

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