Juan Cubillos
Graduate Student in Clinical Mental Health

Juan holds a BA in Psychology from Florida State University and is a master’s level student in the Clinical Mental Health Program at Florida State University. Born in Colombia, Juan is passionate about working with clients who speak Spanish as their first language. His therapeutic style focuses on helping individuals and couples find the root causes of their challenges while working towards healing at a pace that best fits the client. Juan’s mission is to illuminate the areas of an individual's or couple's life that make them unique, acknowledging that everyone experiences pain, struggles, and hurt, but also recognizing that everyone deserves the opportunity to discuss and overcome these challenges. Additionally, as a Christian, Juan is open to incorporating spirituality into the healing process if it aligns with the client's needs.
Juan tiene una licenciatura en Psicología de la Florida State University y es estudiante de maestría en el programa de Salud Mental Clínica en la misma universidad. Nacido en Colombia, Juan tiene una pasión por trabajar con clientes que hablan español como su primer idioma. Su estilo terapéutico se centra en ayudar a individuos y parejas a encontrar las causas raíz de sus desafíos mientras trabajan hacia la sanación a un ritmo que mejor se adapte al cliente. La misión de Juan es iluminar las áreas de la vida de individuos o parejas que los hacen únicos, reconociendo que todos experimentan dolor, luchas y heridas, pero también entendiendo que todos merecen la oportunidad de hablar sobre estos desafíos y superarlos. Además, como Cristiano, Juan está abierto a incorporar la espiritualidad en el proceso de sanación si se alinea con las necesidades del cliente.
Person-Centered Therapy, Family Systems Approach, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Relational Stressors, Family Stressors, Depression/Anxiety, Life Changes, Adolescent/teenager stressors, Substance abuse
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- Virtual
Virtual office ONLY
Monday – 8 am to 7 pm
Tuesday – 8 am to 2 pm
Wednesday – 8 am to 2 pm
Friday – 8 am to 7 pm
Saturday – 8 am to 12 pm
- Male
- Female
- English
- Spanish
- English & Spanish
- Spanish (conversant)
- Individuals
- Couples
- Preteens/Tweens (11 to 13)
- Adolescents/Teenagers (14 to 19)
- Adults
- Older Adults
- College Students & Adults of All Ages
- Young Adults
- Women
- Men
- Couples
- $25 - $50 per hour
- $50 - $75 per hour
Attending Florida State University for Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Florida State University 2023 - Bachelor in Science