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Offices located in Cape Coral and Sarasota

Pushing Through The Hard Times….

Pushing through the hard

Pushing Through The Hard Times….

Every married couple experiences their share of pain, disconnection, betrayal, and extraordinary stress. Some discover that if they will push through together and not make enemies of each other in the process, the beauty they experience on the other side far surpasses anything they could have imagined for themselves.

If you’re in a tough season, I’m praying for you to have the strength to keep going, keep tending, keep nurturing, and keep investing in your relationship. I’m praying you’ll experience the beauty on the other side when you choose together to stay married.

The new year can be a tough time for relationships. communication, finances, and stress can cause strain in your life.

Call Dr. April Brown today for more information at 239-565-6921 or fill out a form at and she will help answer your questions as soon as possible.

Cape Coral Office:
290 Nicholas Parkway Ste 2
Cape Coral, FL 33991

Sarasota Offices:
1487 2nd Street Suite C-4
Sarasota, FL 34236
(239) 565-6921

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