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Offices located in Cape Coral and Sarasota

Rapid Transformational Therapy

Are you curious about what’s the fastest way to achieve the life, relationship, and mental health you desire? Most of us spend years struggling with the same problems despite our best efforts to conquer them. There is a good reason for this which is more easily understood with the following explanation:


Our mind is separated into two parts; our conscious and our subconscious mind.


Our conscious mind is part of the mind that makes the “to-do list” for the day and helps strategize at work or write a paper for school. It is the critical thinking and problem-solving machine that we tell what to do and how to do it.


Our subconscious mind runs on autopilot for 95% of the day – it is the part that helps us mindlessly make our bed in the morning, gets us through the shower and other morning routines, and drives us to work while we listen to a podcast. But – have you ever arrived somewhere and realized you hadn’t been really paying attention to where you were going? Our subconscious mind automatically does our regular daily tasks so we can focus more mental capacity on the critical areas of our lives. Our subconscious mind is an extremely powerful tool we use daily to be more efficient with our time without even realizing it. However, this same tool can also inadvertently sabotage our relationships, careers, and mental health.


The subconscious mind contains a vast library of all of our past experiences, including the programming of what we felt we “are worth” at some point in our lives and what we “need to do” to be safe. It implements automatic programming to keep us in specific states it feels most familiar with, sometimes to the point of keeping us from what we want.


This is why we can literally write down on a piece of paper exactly what we want, but find it very difficult to achieve it. The subconscious mind that’s running 95% of our day is doing so on autopilot and is using outdated information from our past – keeping us right where we are.


Using Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT), we are able to tap into this part of our mind to rapidly rewire our neural pathways for fast and permanent change. RTT is a pioneering therapy based on neuroscience that uses the most beneficial principles of Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, NLP, and CBT.


With the help of the counselor and while in a state of relaxation and reflection, you are able to look back at your old beliefs to see how they are affecting your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a negative way. Through a simple and highly effective process, it replaces our outdated belief systems and negative behavior patterns and creates new life-affirming beliefs as the transformational process begins.


If you are ready to release your past and move forward to the life you deserve in a powerful new way please contact Kellie Hatch  – Mental Health Graduate Student,
for more information.


Cape Coral Office:
290 Nicholas Parkway Ste 2
Cape Coral, FL 33991

Sarasota Offices:
1487 2nd Street Suite C-4
Sarasota, FL 34236
(239) 565-6921

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