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The Importance of Self-Care: 9 ways to have a Mindful Morning

Self -care is essential during this time. I believe that in order to balance out your day, and your life, you must look after yourself first. It seems as if, you do not take the time to find your self-care needs as a first priority, It leads to stress, anxiety, and many other internal issues. These scenarios can set our day up for the stress. The good news is, is it doesn’t have to be that way. We have a lot of control over our own actions and attitude. Being mindful about how we start our day can help us feel more in control, decrease stress, help us engage in self-care, and be more productive. The best part is that it only takes 10 minutes a morning. There are many people in my life that tell me “I don’t have an extra 10 minutes; I don’t even have time to sit and eat!”

I respond by saying we have all day to accomplish our responsibilities you deserve at least 10 minutes to yourself, besides eating breakfast can be a mindful way to start your morning!

A mindful morning starts when you wake up and say a positive affirmation, check-in with your body to see how it feels, stretch right out of bed, or focus your attention on your routine activities. Etc.

If you are brushing your teeth, notice the taste, feeling, movement, which muscles are required, etc. If that is too easy use your other hand. Your body forces you to focus on that activity because it’s harder to accomplish.

This is a great way to get your day started rather than letting your day start you. Another habit I am also guilty of, and I know a lot of others who are, is looking at my phone before I get out of bed.

It is far too easy to think about all the work emails or the newest news, headline before allowing your body to actually wake up. Give that time back to yourself. If you have to be on your phone, listen to an inspirational talk or a song that helps you feel positive.

I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to invest in yourself. Take the time to start your day in a manner that will be helpful for you in the long run. It might be hard at first to incorporate a new habit into an already stressful morning, but you can help you cut down on the stress by engaging in some mindful self-care.

More Mindful Morning Activities

  1. A quick walk outside
  2. Enjoying a few sips of coffee without doing any other activity
  3. Positive affirmations- tell yourself you are going to do great today!
  4. Mindful eating- pay attention to what you are eating rather than rushing and just getting some food
  5. Looking out the window and noticing 5 things you see
  6. Meditation
  7. Not looking at your phone
  8. Smile- even a fake smile releases certain chemicals in the brain that helps us feel good
  9. Stand up/ sit up straight- when we are hunched over all the time our body tells us we need to be protected, but when we stand or sit in powerful positions it boosts self-esteem.

By: Heidi Byers


Cape Coral Office:
290 Nicholas Parkway Ste 2
Cape Coral, FL 33991

Sarasota Offices:
1487 2nd Street Suite C-4
Sarasota, FL 34236
(239) 565-6921

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