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Apps for Depression


Do you suffer from Major Depressive Disorder?  Are you looking for ways to overcome depression?  Try looking on your phone for ways to overcome Major Depressive Disorder.  This article will explore apps for Major Depressive Disorder.

Health Through Breath

The first app that individuals with Major Depressive Disorder can benefit from is Health Through Breath.  According to, the following can be mentioned about this app:

Stress contributes to many symptoms of ill health, including depression. Health Through Breath is one app that attempts to soothe your mind and body through relaxation. According to the app’s makers, relaxation techniques can have benefits for people who have depression as well as migraines, high blood pressure, asthma, and more. It features guided, slow breathing techniques to help you learn to relax deeply and quickly.

Positive Thinking

In addition to Health Through Breath, another app that can help individuals with Major Depressive Disorder is Positive Thinking.  According to, the following can be mentioned about this app:

The things we surround ourselves with certainly have the potential to affect our moods. Positive Thinking is an app that provides a massive collection of positive quotes to help you keep your mind on good things rather than worries and stress. You can add to the collection, store your favorites, and share the quotes on social media.

Secret Of Happiness

Another app that can be used for individual with Major Depressive Disorder is called Secret of Happiness.  According to, the following can be mentioned:

Sometimes, our brains need help breaking out of a destructive cycle. The Secret of Happiness is designed to give you a regular schedule of positive thinking as a way to train your brain to think more on the bright side. No one would suggest the cure to depression is as simple as turning your frown upside down, but this app can help you get in the practice of thinking positively. We like that the app asks for a 30-day commitment – enough time to develop a new habit.


To end this specific article, this article has mentioned using apps specifically designed for individuals with Major Depressive Disorder that include but are not limited to Health Through Breath, Positive Thinking, in addition to Secret Of Happiness.  In addition, Major Depressive Disorder, for any individual, does not have to be a debilitating disorder.  Seek help from a doctor and regain your lifestyle.

Apps For Depression: Part II


In my previous article, I described three apps that can be used to help individuals with Major Depressive Disorder.  In this particular article, I will expand upon this topic and include three more apps for individuals with Major Depressive Disorder.

Depression CBT

One specific form of therapy for individuals with Major Depressive Disorder is CBT, also known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.  Believe it or not there is an app for individuals with Major Depressive Disorder that focuses on CBT.  It is called Depression CBT.  According to, the following can be noted about this app:

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is one approach to managing depression and other mental health problems. This app helps you monitor your moods with an assessment test that tracks the severity of your depressed moods and provides several resources aimed at educating you about the flawed thought patterns that may be worsening your depression. There are also audio programs for relaxation and depression assistance.


Another app that can be used for individuals with Major Depressive Disorder is called FitnessBuilder.  According to, the following can be noted:

Exercise can ease the symptoms of depression, and FitnessBuilder is a great way to develop a regular exercise habit. The free version of this app features more than 400 workouts and a 16-week plan. Search by target area or goal to strengthen your legs, core, or build up endurance. There are photos and videos to help you learn and perform the moves safely, as well as tracking features to monitor your progress.

Smiling Mind

Another app that can be used for Major Depressive Disorder is called Smiling Mind.  According to, the following can be stated:

Adults aren’t the only ones who struggle with depression, and the makers of Smiling Mind had all age groups in mind when developing this app. Designed to teach you the value of guided meditation, the app features several free meditation programs, classified according to the ages they’re appropriate for, with sessions appropriate for those younger than seven years old and into adulthood. We like the ability to track total minutes spent in meditation and earn achievements.


To end this article, three apps for Major Depressive Disorder have been mentioned.  They include but are not limited to Depression CBT, FitnessBuilder, in addition to Smiling Mind.  These three apps are practical tools that can be applied to individuals lives with Major Depressive Disorder for healing.

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