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Offices located in Cape Coral and Sarasota

Online Counseling/TeleMental Health

Online Counseling/TeleMental Health in Florida

Are you feeling overwhelm or depress? Need Counseling…but you cannot come to our offices in Cape Coral or Fort Myers because…

  • The Coronavirus Guidelines for America
  • You are stuck at work.
  • Your location is outside the area of Lee or Collier County.
  • There is no one you can depend on to watch your children.
  • You feel more comfortable at your location.

Video distance counseling is a very common way of connecting with a therapist. All that is asked from the client is that they find a quiet and private place when attending session. We believe it is very important that our clients continue to have access to therapeutic services, especially during this time of uncertainty. Our therapists can provide you with the necessary steps and answer any questions to get you set up with your online therapy appointment.  If so, we have Board Certified-TeleMental Health Providers (Dr. April Brown and Dr. Kelly Bushey) who can help you.


Here is some basic information about the Online Counseling/TeleMental Health

  • The services are real-time.  You will be able to see and interact with Dr. April.
  • The services are through a secure online, HIPAA web based practice management platform called SimplePractice . This technology can provide a secure two-way, interactive video counseling sessions over the internet.
  • You can schedule services at a time that is convenient for you.


  • Provides counseling services when clients cannot go into an office.
  • Comfort from increased privacy/distance
  • Greater flexibility and convenience to clients
  • Saves time and cost because less travel time


  • Additional logistical and technical requirement
  • Different potential for interruptions
  • Different to in-person session (though somewhat similar)
  • Less appropriate for some counseling situations

Our Online Counseling/TeleMental Health  is through SimplePractice and it supports laptops, iPads, tablets, and cellphones.

  • If using a cellphone or tablet, you will need to download the “Telehealth” by simple practice app.
  • If using a laptop, you will have to connect through google chrome web browser.

If you would like a distance/video counseling appointment, please contact our, Board Certified-TeleMental Health Providers – Dr. April Brown and Dr. Kelly Bushey – who can help you.

Contact Today

Cape Coral Office:
290 Nicholas Parkway Ste 2
Cape Coral, FL 33991

Sarasota Offices:
1487 2nd Street Suite C-4
Sarasota, FL 34236
(239) 565-6921

Request Appointment

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